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M. Boynton, R. E. MacLaury and K. Uchikawa, Centroids of color
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Shinoda, K. Uchikawa and M. Ikeda, Categorized color space on CRT in
the aperture and the surface color mode. Color Research and
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- 吉沢達也, 中野靖久, 内川惠二, 赤, 緑, 青色LED混色光を用いた高速視覚刺激装置. 光学, 22(10), 630-634, 1993. [pdf]
- 内川惠二, 栗木一郎, 篠田博之, カテゴリー比率評価法による開口色と表面色モ−ドの色の見えの表現. 照明学会誌, 78(2), 83-93, 1994.
- K.
Shinomori, Y. Nakano and K. Uchikawa, Influence of the illuminance and
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- 篠宮弘達, 佐藤雅之, 内川惠二, 視覚像における対象と背景の変位検出におよぼすサッケ−ド抑制の効果. Vision, 6(4), 147-152, 1994. [pdf]
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M. Bebko, K. Uchikawa, S. Saida, and M. Ikeda, Learning to recognize
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- 栗木一郎, 内川惠二, 瞬時色恒常性におよぼす周辺刺激と色の見えの判断基準の効果. 照明学会誌, 79(2), 39-49, 1995.
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- 天野欽治郎, 内川惠二, カラー画像の色・輝度コントラストの視覚記憶における変化. テレビジョン学会誌, 50(6), 714-724, 1996. [pdf]
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Uchikawa and Hiroyuki Shinoda, Influence of basic color categories on
color memory discrimination. Color Research and Application, 21(6),
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Kaneko and K. Uchikawa, Perceived angular and linear size: The role of
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- 栗木一郎, 内川惠二, 色恒常性の二つの段階:完全色恒常性と部分的色恒常性. 照明学会誌, 81(2), 125-135, 1997.
- T.
Yoshizawa and K. Uchikawa, Temporal integration characteristics of
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- 高瀬正典, 内川惠二, 明順応時の周辺視と中心窩視における異なる高彩度光の色の見えの違い. 光学, 26(9), 492-498, 1997. [pdf]
- 河合雅仁, 内川惠二, 川上元郎, 色の視覚探索に及ぼす色差の効果. 照明学会誌, 81(11), 1022-1026, 1997. [pdf]
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Uchikawa, I. Kuriki, and Y. Tone, Measurement of color constancy by
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- 山内泰樹, 内川惠二, 栗木一郎, 表面色モード知覚のための限界輝度条件.映像情報メディア学会誌, 52(2), 227-234, 1998.
- 松宮一道, 内川惠二, 栗木一郎, 中心視負荷と眼球運動を伴った観察による周辺視コントラスト感度の変化. 映像情報メディア学会誌, 52(4), 565-570, 1998.
- 金子寛彦, 小坂朋也, 内川惠二, 周辺の両眼視差情報と絶対距離知覚. Vision, 10 (2), 73-86, 1998. [pdf]
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Yajima, H. Ujike, and K. Uchikawa, Apparent depth with retinal image
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Sato, K. Uchikawa, Increment-threshold spectral sensitivity during
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- 伊東由紀, 内川惠二, 透明視の色分離現象に対する面知覚の効果. 映像情報メディア学会誌, 53(9), 1274-1278, 1999.
- 伊東由紀, 内川惠二, 2つの判断基準に基づいた透明視成立の色度・輝度条件. 光学, 28(10), 576-582, 1999. [pdf]
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- 瀬川かおり, 内川惠二, 栗木一郎, 周辺視野におけるカテゴリカル色知覚. 照明学会誌, 83(11), 860-868, 1999.
- 栗木一郎, 石井 渉, 内川惠二, 加齢による水晶体黄変が色覚におよぼす効果. 照明学会誌, 84(2), 107-116, 2000.
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Tsukada and K. Uchikawa, Luminance and chromaticity conditions of a
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- 瀬川かおり, 内川惠二, 周辺視野のカテゴリカル色知覚に及ぼす刺激サイズの影響. Vision, 12(2), 71-78, 2000. [pdf]
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- 鯉田孝和, 内川惠二, 色空間の分類数に応じて現れる階層的なカテゴリカル色知覚. 照明学会誌, 84(5), 302-311, 2000.
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- K. Matsumiya and K. Uchikawa, Distortion of visual space during pursuit eye movements. Optical Review, 7(3), 241-248, 2000. [pdf]
- I. Kuriki, Y. Oguma, and K. Uchikawa, Dynamics of asymmetric color matching. Optical Review, 7(3), 249-259, 2000. [pdf]
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Yamauchi and K. Uchikawa, Upper-limit luminance for the surface-color
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Matsumiya and Keiji Uchikawa, Apparent size of an object remains
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research, 41(23), 3039 - 3050, 2001. [pdf]
- 横井健司, 内川惠二, 不均一多色刺激を用いた視覚探索への高次色知覚の影響. 映像情報メディア学会誌. 55(11), 1534-1538, 2001.
- 横井健司, 内川惠二, 多色不均一ディストラクタ上の視覚探索における色カテゴリーの役割. Vision, 14(1), 1-12, 2002. [pdf]
- 柳澤美衣子, 内川惠二, 両眼間抑制中のコントラスト感度特性−正常眼位と斜視の特性−. Vision, 14(2), 69-78, 2002.
- 柳澤美衣子, 内川惠二, 色度および輝度コントラスト刺激が両眼間抑制下のコントラスト感度関数に与える影響. Vision, 14(3), 107-114, 2002.
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Yanagisawa and Keiji Uchikawa, Contrast adaptation effects under
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- 豊岡隆史, 内川惠二, 視覚的注意による増分閾値の時間的変化. Vision, 15(3), 133-139, 2003. [pdf]
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- 内川惠二, 加藤憲史郎, 横井健司, 金子寛彦, 両眼立体視空間における表面の奥行きが色の見えにおよぼす影響―速報―. Vision, 15(4), 255-260, 2003. [pdf]
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- 打田武俊, 内川惠二, 横井健司, 隣接した不均一色領域間の色差が領域内の色の見えのばらつきに与える影響, 映像情報メディア学会誌, 58(2), 261-264, 2004.
- 松宮一道, 内川惠二, 網膜部位固定呈示法を用いたサッケード時と追従眼球運動時の周辺視コントラスト感度の測定. 光学, 33(2), 122-129, 2004. [pdf]
- 山内泰樹, 内川惠二, 表面色モード知覚への刺激の知覚的グルーピングの影響. Vision, 16(3), 127-140, 2004. [pdf]
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Yamauchi and Keiji Uchikawa, Limit of the Surface-Color Mode Perception
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Yamauchi and Keiji Uchikawa, Depth information affects judgment of the
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- 増田修, 内川惠二, パルス刺激光の検出閾値に及ぼす中心固視と周辺視野の影響. Vision, 17(3), 159-167, 2005.
- Kenji
Yokoi and Keiji Uchikawa, Color category influences heterogeneous
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22(11), 2309-2317, 2005. [pdf]
- 矢田紀子, 長尾智晴, 内川惠二, ニューラルネットワークによる照明光の変化を考慮したカテゴリカル色知覚モデル. 映像情報メディア学会誌. 59(12), 1809-1815, 2005.
- 増田修, 内川惠二, 周辺網膜における2パルス光の時間的足し会わせ特性. 映像情報メディア学会誌. 59(12), 1859-1861, 2005.
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Chang, Suguru Saito, Keiji Uchikawa, Masayuki Nakajima (2005):
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Perception, 2(3), 322-345. [pdf]
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- 永井岳大, 内川惠二, 彩度分布を持った不均一領域間の色相の違いによる形状弁別と色弁別の比較. VISION, 19(1), 1-14, 2007.
- 矢田紀子, 長尾智晴, 内川惠二, Neural Network によるカテゴリカル色知覚モデルを用いたシーン中の色認識. 情報処理学会論文誌 : 数理モデル化と応用, 49(SIG4(TOM20)), 1-6, Mar 2008.
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- 福屋貴之, 内川惠二, 山内泰樹, 色度の異なる刺激の色の見えのモードの移行輝度とオプティマルカラーの輝度の類似性. VISION, 20(4), 179-186, 2008.
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Masuda and Keiji Uchikawa, Temporal integration of the chromatic
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Nagai and keiji Uchikawa, Different hue coding underlying figure
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- 正岡顕一郎, 菅原正幸, 野尻裕司, 内川惠二, 撮像系の空間周波数特性を維持した画像のグレア補正. 電子情報通信学会論文誌A, J92-A(10), 669-676, 2009.
- 内川惠二, 沖山夏子, 色と輝度のコントラスト検出感度に及ぼす視覚的注意の効果. 視覚の科学, 31(3), 114-119, 2010.
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- 川島祐貴,内川惠二,金子寛彦,福田一帆,山本浩司,木屋研二, 道路側面に設置された点滅柱状物体により生起する視覚誘導自己運動感覚を交通工学的に応用した自動車運転者の速度感覚変化手法. 映像情報メディア学会誌, 65(6),833-840, 2011.
- 東吉彦,犬井正雄,内川惠二, 光散乱を考慮した網点モデルによる多色印刷物の色予測. 日本印刷学会誌, 48(5),315-324, 2011. (2012年度 日本印刷学会論文賞)
- Akira
Matsubara, Zhiwu Liang, Yuji Sato and Keiji Uchikawa, Analysis of human
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- 山内泰樹,河原勇美,内川惠二, 条件等色に対する周辺刺激の影響. VISION, 24(2), 45-56, 2012.
- 川島祐貴,福田一帆,金子寛彦,内川惠二, 異なった速さをもつ2種類のオプティカルフローにより生起するベクションの速さの評価. 視覚の科学, 33(4), 152-163, 2012.
- 西田浩聡, 福田一帆, 内川惠二, 2色覚者のカテゴリカルカラーネーミングに及ぼす視覚的手掛かり. 視覚の科学34(4), 134-147, 2013. [pdf]
- K. Fukuda, K. Uchikawa, Color constancy in a scene with bright
colors that do not have a fully natural surface appearance. Journal of
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- Keiji Uchikawa, Categorical Color Perception of Color Normal
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- Keiji Uchikawa, Masayuki Sato and Keiko Kuwamura,Effects of
visual attention on chromatic and achromatic detection sensitivities.
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31(5), A944-951, 2014.[pdf]
- Tatsuo Yamaguchi, Keiji Uchikawa, Measurements of contrast
sensitivity by an adaptive optics visual simulator. Optical Review,
22(4), 2015. [pdf]
- Takuma Morimoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Effects of
surrounding stimulus properties on color constancy based on luminance
balance. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2016, 33(3),
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- 松本知久, 福田一帆, 内川惠二,金, 銀, 銅色知覚を生起するための要因の解明. 日本感性工学会論文誌, 15(3), 387-397, 2016. [pdf]
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Appearance of
gold, silver and copper colors of glossy object surface. International
Journal of Affective Engineering, 15(3), 239-247, 2016. [pdf]
- 能勢将樹, 馬菁野, 長谷川史裕, 内川惠二, DLP プロジェクタの高効率・高精度な投影色キャリブレーション. 映像情報メディア学会誌, 70(2), J62-J68, 2016. [pdf]
- 能勢将樹, 住吉信一, 長谷川史裕, 中重文宏, 内川惠二, 超短焦点プロジェクタによる映像歪みの画質定量化. 映像情報メディア学会誌, 70(2), J56-J61, 2016. [pdf]
- 韓惠軫, 内川惠二, セル画調の人物顔の肌色判断への顔形状の影響. 画像電子学会誌, 45(3), 329-339, 2016. [pdf]
- Hyejin Han, Keiji Uchikawa, Ranges of Animation Skin Color. International Journal of Affective Engineering, 2016. [pdf]
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- 内川惠二, 表面色と開口色モード認識と色の見え. 光学, 18(10), 524-529, 1989.
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- 内川惠二, 色の測定と色覚メカニズム. 可視化情報学会誌, 17, No.64(1), 12-17, 1997.
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- 内川惠二, 人間は本当に青に鈍感なの? 映像情報メディア学会誌, 56(9), 1462-1463, 2002.
- 内川惠二, 視覚特性と画像技術. 日本画像学会誌, 41(4), 328-332, 2002.
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- 内川惠二, “色”の個人差. 光学, 34(6), 281, 2005.
- 矢田紀子, 長尾智晴, 内川惠二, 照明の影響を受けない色識別 色恒常性をもったカテゴリカル色知覚モデル. 画像ラボ, 17(4), 66-69, 2006.
- 内川惠二, 視覚の時空間特性(分担). ライティングハンドブック, 照明学会編, 3.3: 37-42, 東京, オーム社, 1987.
- 内川惠二, 視覚系の時空間特性(分担). 記録・記憶技術ハンドブック, I編4.2: 49-62, 東京, 丸善, 1992.
- 内川惠二, 色の弁別, CIEの表色系(分担). 新編感覚・知覚心理学ハンドブック, 5.6: 414-425, 7.1: 517-520, 東京, 誠信書房, 1994.
- 内川惠二, 色覚・色の見えの基礎(分担). これだけは知っておきたい「実用色彩学」基礎の基礎, 20-31, 東京, オプトロニクス社, 1994.
- 内川惠二, 目と色 (分担). 光学のすすめ, 第10章, 130-144, 東京, オプトロニクス社, 1997.
- 内川惠二, 第5章カラーオーダーシステム, 2節カラーオーダーシステムの実例, 2.8 OSA均等色尺度. 新編色彩科学ハンドブック(第2版), 日本色彩学会編, 東京大学出版会, 1998.
- 内川惠二, 色覚のメカニズム. 朝倉書店, 1998.
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川惠二, 3色覚, 3.2.2色弁別, 115-120. 3.4.1カテゴリカル色知覚, 134-137. 3.4.2色の見えのモード,
137-140. 3.4.4色の記憶と認識, 150-153. 4測光と表色システム, 4.3カラーオーダーシステム, 175-182.
視覚情報処理ハンドブック(分担, 編集委員長), 日本視覚学会編, 朝倉書店, 2000. 9. 20.
- 内川惠二, 明るさ, 4. 暗順応, 18. 暗所視, 18. 輝度, 182. 照度, 405. フリッカ, 730. 明順応, 798. 明所視, 798-799. 認知科学辞典(分担)日本認知科学会編、共立出版。2002.8.1.
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川惠二, 色記憶のカテゴリー性, 35. 色の記憶, 46. OSA表色系, 83. カテゴリカル色知覚, 99. 基本色名, 135.
波長弁別関数, 376-377. ベンハム・トップ, 431. ライトのダッシュ, 482-483. ルミナンスチャンネル, 497.
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- 内川惠二, 感覚知覚の科学4 味覚・嗅覚(総編集), 朝倉書店, 2008.1.15
- 内川惠二, 第I編 基礎編 第2章 視知覚と色再現, 2.1視知覚特性,13-42, 画像電子情報ハンドブック(分担), 東京電機大学出版局, 2008.2.20
- 内川惠二, 講座 感覚知覚の科学(5)感覚・知覚実験法,131-145(分担、総編集), 朝倉書店, 2008.10.30
- 内川惠二, 視覚心理入門 ―基礎から応用視覚まで―, 2-3色の恒常性と認識, 56-67, コーヒーブレイク, 43-46(分担、監修), 株式会社オーム社,2009.3.20
- 内川惠二, 映像情報メディア工学大事典 基礎編, 第1部門 第3章 色 3-4色覚情報処理:高次機能, 37-40 (部門主任), 株式会社オーム社, 2010.5.4
- 内川惠二,測光,光学技術事典(分担),朝倉書店,2014.8.25.
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- K. Uchikawa and P. K. Kaiser, and H. Uchikawa, Saturation, brightness and luminance. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 71(12), 1609, 1981.
- P. K. Kaiser, K. Uchikawa and O. Estevez, Photometric assessment of brightness. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 72(12), 1740, 1982.
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- S. Shioiri, M. Ikeda and K. Uchikawa, Visual and tactile
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- M. Ikeda, K. Uchikawa and H. Yaguchi, A new photometric
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Sapporo), 202-203, 1984.
- M. Ikeda, T. Tamura and K. Uchikawa, Transient effect of
chromatic contribution to brightness. Proceedings of the 5th Congress
of the International Color Association, vol.1, 18-21, 1985.
- K. Uchikawa and M. Ikeda, Temporal interaction of
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to Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 27(3), 74, 1986.
- K. Uchikawa and R. M. Boynton, Categorical color
perception of Japanese observers. Supplement to Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 28(3), 214, 1987.
- R. M. Boynton, K. Uchikawa and H. Uchikawa, Selective
chromatic adaptation and partial color constancy. Supplement to
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Abstract Issue), 29, 163, 1988.
- K. Uchikawa and H. Shinoda, Effects of color memory on
color appearance. Color Vision Deficiencies. Proceedings of the
Symposium of the International Research Group on Color Vision
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- M. Sato and K. Uchikawa, Spectral Sensitivity by
Increment Threshold during Saccades. Advances in color vision, 1992
Technical Digest Series 4, 63-65, (OSA, Washington, D. C., 1992).
- K. Shinomori, Y. Nakano and K. Uchikawa, Spatial
blackness induction at different blackness levels, Advances in color
vision, 1992 Technical Digest Series 4, 137-139, (OSA, Washington, D.
C., 1992).
- M. Takase and K. Uchikawa, Color appearance of colored
lights at light-adapted peripheral retina, Advances in color vision,
1992 Technical Digest Series 4, 149-151, (OSA, Washington, D. C.,
- K. Uchikawa, Categorical characteristics of color
discrimination in memory (invited), Advances in color vision, 1992
Technical Digest Series 4, 192-194, (OSA, Washington, D. C., 1992).
- M. Takase and K. Uchikawa, New color-zone maps obtained
by color-naming in the light-adapted peripheral retina, OSA Annual
Meeting, 1992 Technical Digest 23, 70, ( OSA, Washington, D. C., 1992).
- T. Yoshizawa, K. Uchikawa and Y. Nakano, Temporal
integration of isoluminant double pulses detected by blue mechanism,
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34(4), 744, 1993.
- Y. Nakano and K. Uchikawa, Compressive nonlinearity
revealed by brightness loss in flickering light, Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34(4), 744, 1993.
- K. Uchikawa and T. Sugiyama, Effects of eleven basic
color categories on color memory, Investigative Ophthalmology &
Visual Science, 34(4), 745, 1993.
- M. Sato and K. Uchikawa, Selective effects of saccadic
suppression on luminance and chromatic responses, Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34(4), 746, 1993.
- K. Uchikawa, Categorical nature of color memory, OSA
Annual Meeting, 1993 Technical Digest Series 16, 112, (OSA, Washington,
D. C., 1993).
- I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, S-cone system does not
contribute to perfect simultaneous color constancy, OSA Annual Meeting,
1993 Technical Digest Series 16, 252, (OSA, Washington, D. C., 1993).
- K. Uchikawa, H. Ujike and T. Saito, Categorical color
perception in the surface and aperture mode for all real colors in a
chromaticity diagram, 1994 International Forum of Color "Color
appearance with environment", Vision, 6(3), 129, 1994.
- M. Takase and K. Uchikawa, Hue change of highly
saturated lights between fovea and 30? temporal Field in luminous
environment, 1994 International Forum of Color "Color appearance with
environment", Vision, 6(3), 132, 1994.
- K. Uchikawa, T. Sugiyama and H. Ujike, Categorical
distribution of memory-matched colors in the OSA uniform color space,
17th ECVP, Perception, 23, supplement, 6, 1994.
- Y. Nakano and K. Uchikawa, New effects of response
nonlinearity on colour perception, 17th ECVP, Perception, 23,
supplement, 10,1994.
- M. Sato and K. Uchikawa, Does saccadic suppression
selectively inhibit the transient response? 17th ECVP, Perception, 23,
supplement, 82,1994.
- I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Multistage model for color constancy. 17th ECVP, Perception, 23, supplement, 87,1994.
- K.
Uchikawa, H. Ujike and T. Sugiyama, Categorical characteristics of
multiple-color memory. The John Dalton International Conference; 200
years of colour vision research, Abstract, K2.2, 1994.
- T. Yoshizawa and K. Uchikawa, Latency of transient
chromatic response revealed with temporal isoluminant double-pulse
method. The John Dalton International Conference; 200 years of colour
vision research, Abstract, K4.9, 1994.
- Y. Nakano, M. Ikeda and K. Uchikawa, Opponent mechanisms
revealed by chromatic modulation threshold. The John Dalton
International Conference; 200 years of colour vision research,
Abstract, K5.2, 1994.
- H. Ujike, K. Yokoi and K. Uchikawa, The effects of
colour difference on perceptual fading. The John Dalton International
Conference; 200 years of colour vision research, Abstract, K6.3, 1994.
- M. Kawai, K. Uchikawa and H. Ujike, Influence of color
category on visual search. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Science, 36(4), S654, 1995. (ARVO Annual meeting '95, 1995. 5. 17)
- M. Takase and K. Uchikawa, Color appearance of highly
saturated unique-hue and balanced-hue lights in the light-adapted
peripheral retina. 18th ECVP, Perception, 24, supplement, 57-58, 1995.
- K. Amano, K. Uchikawa and H. Ujike, The role of colors
to recognize the visual scenes, OSA 1995 Annual Meeting, September 13,
1995, Portland, U.S.A., (Abstract in p.132 of Program).
- I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Distinction between two
classes of color constancy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Science, 37(3), S1065, 1996. (ARVO 1996 Annual Meeting, Fort
Lauderdale, 1996. 4. 21-26)
- K. Matsumiya and K. Uchikawa, Dynamic effective
visula-field for chromatic and luminance contrast perception.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 37(3), S1063, 1996.
(ARVO 1996 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1996. 4. 21-26)
- Y. Yamauchi, K. Uchikawa and I. Kuriki, Brightness, not
luminance, determines the mode of color appearance. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 38(4), S897, 1997. (ARVO 1997
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1997.5.11-13,14,15,16)
- I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Color constancy after change
in visual sensitivity. AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Program & Abstracts, 78,
1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 1997. 5. 25, 26, 27, 28-30)
- Y. Yamauchi, K. Uchikawa and I. Kuriki, Effects of
chromaticity on the upper limit of luminance for surface color mode
perception. AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Program & Abstracts, 82, 1997. (AIC
Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, 1997.5.25,26,27,28-30)
- K. Uchikawa, I. Kuriki, and Y. Tone, Influence of color
memory on color constancy. AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Program & Abstracts,
101, 1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, 1997.5.25-28, 29, 30)
- K. Amano, K. Uchikawa, and I. Kuriki, Chromatic
enhancement of colored pictures in memory. AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Program
& Abstracts, 162, 1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, 1997. 5. 25-30)
- K. Segawa, I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Categorical color
perception in peripheral visual field. AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Program
& Abstracts, 162, 1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, 1997. 5. 25-30)
- Y. Ito, K. Uchikawa and I. Kuriki, Chromatic and luminous
conditions of overlapping area for transparency. AIC Color 97 Kyoto,
Program & Abstracts, 169, 1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, 1997.
- K. Matsumiya, I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Sensitivity to
chromatic contrast in the peripheral visual field is affected by the
central visual task. AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Program & Abstracts, 170,
1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto, 1997. 5. 25-30)
- K. Koida, I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Measurement of
color-difference judgement-boundaries in a color-space. AIC Color 97
Kyoto, Program & Abstracts, 170, 1997. (AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto,
1997. 5. 25-30 )
- I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Effect of ambient illuminant
on surface colour constancy. Perception, 26, supplement, 108, 1997.
(ECVP 1997, Helsinki, Finland, 1997. 8. 24-29)
- Y. Ito and K. Uchikawa, The effects of chromatic
condition for transparency. Perception, 26, supplement, 131, 1997.
(ECVP 1997, Helsinki, Finland, 1997. 8. 24-29)
- K. Koida, I. Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Comparison of
color-difference limits with categorical color regions. OSA 1997 Annual
Meeting, Program, 131, 1997. (OSA 1997 Annual Meeting, Long Beach,
California, 1997. 10. 12-14,15,16,17 )
- Kuriki and K. Uchikawa, Physical- and subjective-color
constancy observed in asymmetric color matches. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 39(4), S154, 1998. (ARVO 1998
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1998.5.10-15)
- K. Segawa, K. Uchikawa, and I. Kuriki, Salience of
categorical color perception in peripheral vision. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 39(4), S156, 1998. (ARVO 1998
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1998.5.10-15)
- K. Koida, K. Uchikawa, and I. Kuriki, Comparison of
boundaries for categorical color regions and perceptual
color-difference limits. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Science, 39(4), S157, 1998. (ARVO 1998 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale,
- Y. Yamauchi, K. Uchikawa, and I. Kuriki, Effects of
non-uniform illumination on the mode of color appearance. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 39(4), S157, 1998. (ARVO 1998
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1998.5.10-15)
- K. Uchikawa, T. Nishi, K. Matsumiya, and I. Kuriki,
Selective sensitivity reduction in chromatic and luminance channels by
lowered visual attention. Perception, 27, Supplement, 68-69, 1998.
(ECVP 1998, Oxford, England, 1998. 8. 24-26-28)
- K. Matsumiya, K. Uchikawa, and I. Kuriki, Spatial
localization during smooth-pursuit eye movements. Perception, 27,
Supplement, 143-144, 1998. (ECVP 1998, Oxford, England, 1998. 8. 24-28)
- Y. Ito and K. Uchikawa, Effects of surface perception on
colour splitting in transparency. Perception, 27, Supplement, 172,
1998. (ECVP 1998, Oxford, ,England, 1998. 8. 24-27,28)
- Y. Yamauchi and K. Uchikawa, Effects of spotlight and
shadow on surface-colour mode perception. Perception, 27, Supplement,
180, 1998. (ECVP 1998, Oxford, England, 1998. 8. 24-28.)
- K. Koida, K. Uchikawa, Effects of limits of
color-difference judgement on color adjustments. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 40(4), S748, 1999. (ARVO 1999
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1999.5.9-12*-14)
- Y. Yamauchi, K. Uchikawa, Influence of chromaticity of
illumination on the limitation of the surface-color mode appearance.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 40(4), S749, 1999.
(ARVO 1999 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1999.5.9-12*-14)
- K. Segawa, K. Uchikawa, Categorical color perception in
peripheral vision under various illumination levels. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 40(4), S750, 1999. (ARVO 1999
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1999.5.9-12*-14)
- K. Matsumiya, K. Uchikawa, Effects of background scene
on mislocalization during pursuit eye movements. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 40(4), S799, 1999. (ARVO 1999
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 1999.5.9-13*-14)
- H. Kaneko, N. Yamagishi, K. Uchikawa, N. Goda, Selective
effects of attentional modulation on luminance and color detection in
the periphery. International Conference on Vision and Attention, Centre
for Vision Research, York University, Toronto, 1999. 6. 22- 24, 25*,
- K. Uchikawa, Reduction in luminance and chromatic
sensitivity by visual attention (invited). ATR symposium on Face and
Object Recognition ’99, 49-50. (ATR Human Information Processing
Research Laboratories, Kyoto, 1999. 6. 19-21*-23).
- K. Matsumiya, K. Uchikawa, Effects of visual attention
on saccadic suppression in the peripheral visual field. ATR symposium
on Face and Object Recognition ‘99, 71-72. (ATR Human Information
Processing Research Laboratories, Kyoto, 1999. 6. 19-21*-23).
- I. Kuriki, K. Uchikawa, Effect of visual sensitivity
change on colour constancy. Perception, 28, Supplement, 64, 1999. (ECVP
1999, Trieste, Italy, 1999. 8. 22, 23*-26.)
- K. Segawa, K. Uchikawa, Limits of categorical color
perception in peripheral visual field. 1999 OSA Annual Meeting
Conference Program, 96. (1999 OSA Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, USA,
1999. 26 - 28*-30).
- K. Uchikawa, Color Vision (invited). Proceedings of 1999
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
II-1-II-4. (IEEE SMC’99, Tokyo, Japan, 1999. 10. 12, 13*-15).
- I. Kuriki, S. Nakadomari, M. Saito, H. Takeuchi, A.
Kandatsu, S. Miyauchi, K. Uchikawa, K. Kitahara, fMRI study on color
constancy with realistic visual stimulus. Investigative Ophthalmology
& Visual Science, 41(4), S239, 2000. (ARVO 2000 Annual Meeting,
Fort Lauderdale, 2000.4.30-5.1*-5)
- S. Nakadomari, K. Kitahara, A. Kandatsu, Y. Tanaka, K.
Kumegawa, H. Takeuchi, H. Ito, M. Saito, K. Uchikawa, S. Miyauchi,
Cerebral origin oscillopsia: a psychological and fMRI study.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 41(4), S626, 2000.
(ARVO 2000 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 2000.4.30-5.3*-5
- H. Mizushina, K. Uchikawa, Unlimited large visual field
degrades displacement detection during saccadic eye movement.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 41(4), S716, 2000.
(ARVO 2000 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, 2000.4.30-5.3*-5)
- M. Saito, S. Nakadomari, K. Kitahara, A. Kandatsu, H.
Takeuchi, S. Miyauchi, I. Kuriki, K. Uchikawa, Comparison between
contrast threshold perception and fMRI responses to gabor grating with
intensities around threshold. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Science, 41(4), S801, 2000. (ARVO 2000 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale,
- K. Uchikawa, K. Koida, Y. Tsukada, Basic categorical
color regions in a whole chromaticity diagram in the surface-color and
aperture-color modes. 2000 OSA Annual Meeting Conference Program, 91,
2000. (2000 OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, USA, 2000.10.22-24*-26).
- K. Yokoi, K. Uchikawa, Visual search for a color target
among heterochromatic distractors. 2000 OSA Annual Meeting Conference
Program, 92, 2000. (2000 OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, USA,
- K. Uchikawa, Category and memory in color vision
(invited), 7th International Conference on Neural Information
Processing, ICONIP-2000, Proceedings, 2, 1255-1258, 2000. (ICONIP-2000,
Taejon, Korea, 2000.11.14-18*).
- K.Yokoi and K.Uchikawa, Categorical color perception
influences heterochromatic visual search. Vision Sciences Society
Abstract, 35-36, 2001. (VSS 1st Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida,
- Y.Sakano, H.Kaneko and K.Uchikawa, The effect of haptic
learning on the integration of disparity and perspective for the
dynamic and static slant perception. Vision Sciences Society Abstract,
70-71, 2001. (VSS 1st Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida,
- T.Uchida and K.Uchikawa, Influence of spatial
configuration and color distribution of stimulus patches on
inhomogeneous color discrimination. Vision Sciences Society Abstract,
103, 2001. (VSS 1st Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida, 2001.5.4-7*,8)
- K.Uchikawa, T.Sasaki and H.Atsumori, Visual attention
modifies contrast sensitivity in LMS cone space. First Asian Conference
on Vision, 28, 2001. (1st ACV, Hayama, Japan, 2001.7.30-31*)
- H.Mizushina and K.Uchikawa, Detectability of stimulus
displacement across saccade depends on the apparent direction of
displacement. First Asian Conference on Vision, 45, 2001. (1st ACV,
Hayama, Japan, 2001.7.30-31*)
- T.Uchida and K.Uchikawa, Color opponent is a dominant
mechanism to discriminate inhomogeneous colors. First Asian Conference
on Vision, 60, 2001. (1st ACV, Hayama, Japan, 2001.7.30-31*)
- K. Yokoi and K. Uchikawa Influences of categorical color
perception on heterochromatic visual search. First Asian Conference on
Vison, 61, 2001. (1st ACV, Hayama, Japan, 2001.7.30*-31)
- T.Uchida and K.Uchikawa, Influence of higher order
chromatic mechanisms on inhomogeneous chromatic discrimination. Vision
Sciences Society Abstract, 53, 2002. (VSS 2nd Annual Meeting, Sarasota,
Florida, 2002.5.10,11*-15)
- H.Mizushina and K.Uchikawa, Peripheral, not fovea,
vision detects displacement of a background across saccade. Vision
Sciences Society Abstract, 63, 2002. (VSS 2nd Annual Meeting, Sarasota,
Florida, 2002.5.10,11*-15)
- M.Yanagisawa and K.Uchikawa, Contrast adaptation effects
under interocualar suppression for normal and strabismic observers.
Vision Sciences Society Abstract, 115, 2002. (VSS 2nd Annual Meeting,
Sarasota, Florida, 2002.5.10-12*-15)
- K.Uchikawa, Y.Emori, T.Toyooka and K.Yokoi, Color
constancy in categorical color appearance. Vision Sciences Society
Abstract, 190, 2002. (VSS 2nd Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida,
2002.5.10-13*-15 )
- K.Yokoi and K.Uchikawa, Set-size Effects Unveil the Role
of Higher-order Color Perception in Heterochromatic Visual Search. The
Second Asian Conference on Vision, 79, 2002. (2 ndACV, Hilton Hotel,
Gyeongju, Korea, 2002.7.22,23*,24)
- A.Hazama, K.Okajima, K.Yokoi, K.Uchikawa, M.Yamaguchi,
and K.Kita, Perceptual Color Matching Between CRT-Display and Color
Chips. The Second Asian Conference on Vision, 84 , 2002. (2nd ACV,
Hilton Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea, 2002.7.22,23*,24*)
- O.Masuda, K.Uchikawa and K.Yokoi, Effects of Cone
Contrast on Chromatic Assimilation. The Second Asian Conference on
Vision, 85, 2002. (2nd ACV, Hilton Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea,
- T.Uchida, K.Uchikawa and K.Yokoi, Effect of R/g Contrast
Between Two Inhomogeneous Surfaces on Color Appearance of
Chromaticities in Each Surface. The Second Asian Conference on Vision,
86, 2002. (2nd ACV, Hilton Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea, 2002,7,22,23*,24)
- O.Masuda, K.Uchikawa and Y.Yokoi, Effects of retinal
eccentricity on the temporal summation of double flashes. Journal of
Vision, 3(12), 63a, 2003. (Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson Marriott
University Park Hotel, Tucson, Arizona, 2003.10.4*-6)
- Y.Yamauchi, Y.Nakano, M. Kamata, K.Okajima, K.Uchikawa,
Yuri Murakami, M.Yamaguchi and N,Ohyama, Measurement of color matchimg
functions using a digital micro-mirror device. Journal of Vision,
3(12), 66a, 2003. (Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson Marriott University Park
Hotel, Tucson, Arizona, 2003.10.4*-6)
- Y.Yokoi and K.Uchikawa, Categorical color mechanism
mediates heterochromatic visual search. Journal of Vision, 3(12), 68a,
2003. (Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel,
Tucson, Arizona, 2003.10.4*-6)
- T.Nagai, K.Yokoi and K.Uchikawa, Figure segregation
achieved by color-distribution differences colored texture stimuli.
Journal of Vision, 3(12), 79a, 2003. (Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson
Marriott University Park Hotel, Tucson, Arizona, 2003.10.4*-6)
- N.Yata, T.Nagao and K.Uchikawa, A Categorical Perception
Model in consideration for Color Constancy. Proc. of the International
Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, 219-223, (The International
Workshop on Advanced Image Technology :IWAIT’04, National University of
Singapore, 2004.1.12,13*)
- K.Uchikawa K.Yokoi and Y.Yamauchi, Categorical color
constancy is more tolerant than apparent color constancy. Journal of
Vision, 4(8), 327a, 2004. (Vision Sciences Society 4th Annual Meeting,
The Hyatto Regency , Sarasota, Florida, 2004.4.30,5.1*-5)
- Y.Yamauchi and K.Uchikawa. Depth Information affects the
judgment of the surface-color mode appearance. Journal of Vision, 4(8),
326a, 2004. (Vision Sciences Society 4th Annual Meeting, The Hyatto
Regency , Sarasota, Florida, 2004.4.30,5.1*-5)
- K.Noda, K.Uchikawa, T. Uchida, T.Yajima and K.Ssto,
Influence of dashboard noise on visual detection through low reflection
windshield. 2004 ICO International Conference Optics & Photonics in
Technology Frontier TECHNICAL DIGEST, 491-492 2004. (2004 ICO
International Conference Optics & Photonics in Technology Frontier,
Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, 2004.7.12-14*,15)
- Youngha Chang, Suguru Saito, Keiji Uchikawa, Masayuki
Nakajima, Example-based color stylization based on categorical
perception. ACM International Conference Proceedings of the Symposium
on Applied perception in graphics and visualization, 91-98, 2004.
(First Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization,
Wilshire Grand Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 2004. 8. 7,8*)
- T.Nagai and K.Uchikawa, Effects of gap distance between
patches on grouping colors for figure segregation. Journal of Vision,
4(11), 72a, 2004. (Fall Vision Meeting, University of
Rochester,Rochester,New York, 2004.10.15,16*,17)
- Y.Yamauchi, T.Kawahara, Y.Nakano and K.Uchikawa,
Metameric Matching and its compensation with individual color matching
functions. Journal of Vision, 4(11), 93a, 2004. (Fall Vision Meeting,
University of Rochester,Rochester,New York, 2004.10.15-17*)
- K.Uchikawa and Y.Yamauchi, Invariant categorical-color
regions in the OSA color space when illumination color changes.
Progress in biochemistry and biophysics, 31, Supplement, 49, 2004.
(3rdACV, Liyuan Hotel, Chongqing, China, 2004.11.15-17*-19)
- O.Masuda and K.Uchikawa, Temporal Summation of the
Double Flashes of Chromatic Spatial Pattern in the Peripheral Retina.
Progress in biochemistry and biophysics, 31, Supplement, 53, 2004.
(3rdACV, Liyuan Hotel, Chongqing, China, 2004.11.15-17*-19)
- K.Noda, T.Uchida, K.Sato, T.Yajima and K.Uchikawa,
Influence of low-reflective windshield on response time of detecting
object observed through automotive windshield. Progress in biochemistry
and biophysics, 31, Supplement, 70, 2004. (3rdACV, Liyuan Hotel,
Chongqing, China, 2004.11.15-17*-19)
- B.Dang and K.Uchikawa, Categorical color perception of
Chinese and Japanese observers. Progress in biochemistry and
biophysics, 31, Supplement, 94, 2004. (3rdACV, Liyuan Hotel, Chongqing,
China, 2004.11.15-17*-19)
- T.Nagai and K.Uchikawa, Characteristics of Grouping
Colors for Figure Segregation. Progress in biochemistry and biophysics,
31, Supplement, 145, 2004. (3rdACV, Liyuan Hotel, Chongqing, China,
- K.Sugie, Y.Yamauchi and K.Uchikawa, Effects of Spatial
Arrangements of Surfaces on Illumination Estimation. Progress in
biochemistry and biophysics, 31, Supplement, 170, 2004. (3rdACV, Liyuan
Hotel, Chongqing, China, 2004.11.15-17*-19)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Chizuru Nakajima, Kaori Segawa,
Categorical color constancy for dichromats. Journal of Vision, 5(8),
272a, 2005. (Vision Sciences Society 5th Annual Meeting, The Hyatto
Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, 2005.5.6,7*-11)
- Youngha Chang, Suguru Saito, Keiji Uchikawa, Masayuki
Nakajima, Focal colors forms axes. Journal of Vision, 5(12), 53a, 2005.
(OSA Vision Meeting 2005, University of Arizona, 2005.10.21*,22*,23)
- Takayuki Fukuya, Keiji Uchikawa, Boundary conditions of
the surface reflectance for transition of the modes of color
appearance. Journal of Vision, 5(12), 61a, 2005. (OSA Vision Meeting
2005, University of Arizona, 2005.10.21*,22*,23)
- Takehiro Nagai, Keiji Uchikawa, Figure segregation on
multi-colored textures caused by color distribution. Journal of Vision,
5(12), 78a, 2005. (OSA Vision Meeting 2005, University of Arizona,
- Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa, Spatiotemporal Effects of
the visual attention on detecting a target smoothly appearing in the
peripheral visual field. Journal of Vision, 5(12), 85a, 2005. (OSA
Vision Meeting 2005, University of Arizona, 2005.10.21*,22*,23)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Kaori Segawa, Categorical color regions
of dichromats in a L, M, S cone based color space. Journal of Vision,
5(12), 89a, 2005. (OSA Vision Meeting 2005, University of Arizona,
- Nariko Yata, Tomoharu Nagao, Keiji Uchikawa, A
categorical color perception model using artificial neural network.
Journal of Vision, 5(12), 96a, 2005. (OSA Vision Meeting 2005,
University of Arizona, 2005.10.21*,22*,23)
- Takehiro Nagai and Keiji Uchikawa, Comparison between
figure segregation and color discrimination thresholds for
multi-colored texture stimuli. Journal of Vision, 6(6), 234, 2006,
(Vision Sciences Society 6th Annual Meeting, The Hyatto Sarasota,
Sarasota, Florida, 2006.5.5,6*-10)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Takemi Kawahara and Kaori Segawa,
Chromatic induction of moving dots in a motion-defined layer. Journal
of Vision, 6(6), 242, 2006, (Vision Sciences Society 6th Annual
Meeting, The Hyatto Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, 2006.5.5,6*-10)
- Kaori Segawa, Daisuke Kobayashi and Keiji Uchikawa,
Effects of visual attention on depth discrimination in the peripheral
visual field. Journal of Vision, 6(6), 307, 2006, (Vision Sciences
Society 6th Annual Meeting, The Hyatto Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida,
- Keiji Uchikawa(Invited), Categorical Color Perception
for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. VISION,18, Supplement, 33, 2006.
(4thACV, Matsue, Japan, 2006.7.28,29*-8.1)
- Yasuki Yamauchi, Yasuhisa Nakano, Keiji Uchikawa,
Measurement of Color Matching Functions with a Digital Micro-Mirror
Device. VISION,18, Supplement, 120, 2006. (4thACV, Matsue, Japan,
- Syota Narumi, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa, Effects of
Illuminant Variations in Red-Green Direction on Color Constancy for
Dichromats. VISION,18, Supplement, 121, 2006. (4thACV, Matsue, Japan,
- Takehiro Nagai, Keiji Uchikawa, Effects of Saturation
Distributions on Figure Segregation by Hue Differences. VISION,18,
Supplement, 128, 2006. (4thACV, Matsue, Japan, 2006.7.28-30*-8.1)
- Takayuki Fukuya, Keiji Uchikwa, Chromatic
Characteristics of Transition Luminance between Modes of Color
Appearance under Chromatic Illuminants. VISION,18, Supplement, 133,
2006. (4thACV, Matsue, Japan, 2006.7.28-30*-8.1)
- Takafumi Nishizawa, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa, Metric
for Gold Perception. VISION,18, Supplement, 134, 2006. (4thACV, Matsue,
Japan, 2006.7.28-30*-8.1)
- Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa, Spatiotemporal Properties
of Visual Attention for Direction Discrimination of Motion in
Peripheral Visual Field. VISION,18, Supplement, 162, 2006. (4thACV,
Matsue, Japan, 2006.7.28-31*,8.1)
- Masahito Morii, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa, Contrast
Sensitivity Function Measured under Binocular Rivalry. VISION,18,
Supplement, 199, 2006. (4thACV, Matsue, Japan, 2006.7.28,29*-8.1)
- Masaaki Shoji, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa, Long-Term
Leaning Effects of Visual Attention on Target Detection in the
Peripheral Visual Field. VISION,18, Supplement, 211, 2006. (4thACV,
Matsue, Japan, 2006.7.28-30*-8.1)
- Takayuki Fukuya and Keiji Uchikawa, The transition
luminance between the surface-color and the illuminant-color modes may
reveal the illuminant represented in the visual system. Journal of
Vision, 7(9), 239a, 2007, (Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting,
The Hyatto Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, 2007.5.11,12*-16)
- Isamu Motoyoshi, Takafumi Nishizawa and Keiji Uchikawa,
Specular reflectance and the perception of metallic surfaces. Journal
of Vision, 7(9), 451a, 2007, (Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual
Meeting, The Hyatto Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, 2007.5.11-13*-16)
- Takayuki Fukuya and Keiji Uchikawa, The transition
luminance between the surface-color and the illuminant-color modes may
reveal the illuminant represented in the visual system. Journal of
Vision, 7(9), 239a, 2007, (Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, The Hyatto Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, 2007.5.11,12*-16)
- Isamu
Motoyoshi, Takafumi Nishizawa and Keiji Uchikawa, Specular reflectance
and the perception of metallic surfaces. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 451a,
2007, (Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, The Hyatto Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, 2007.5.11-13*-16)
- Isamu
Motoyoshi, Takafumi Nishizawa and Keiji Uchikawa, Local, but not
global, skewness explains a wide range of reflectance perception.
Perception, 36,55a, 2007, (European Confernce on Visual Perception
2007, Arezzo, Italy, 2007.8.27-31)
- Natsuko Okiyama, Kaori Segawa and Keiji Uchikawa, Effects
of visual attention on luminance and chromatic contrast sensitivities
in foveal vision. Journal of Vision, 7(15), 90a, 2007, (OSA Fall Vision
Meeting, Doubletree Hotel, Berkeley Marina, 2007.9.16-19)
- Yasuki Yamauchi, Yasuhisa Nakano and Keiji Uchikawa,
Comparison between an algebraic method and the maximum saturation
method to estimate individual color matching functions. Journal of
Vision, 7(15), 113a, 2007, (OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Doubletree Hotel,
Berkeley Marina, 2007.9.16-19)
- Natsuko Okiyama, Kaori Segawa and Keiji Uchikawa, Effects
of visual attention on contrast sensitivity in foveal vision.
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
2007 Abstract 78, (KEER2007, Sapporo, Kaderu2.7, Nihon seimei Blg.
- Yasuki Yamauchi, Yasuhisa Nakano and Keiji Uchikawa,
Measurement of individual color matching functions. International
Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007 Abstract 91,
(KEER2007, Sapporo, Kaderu2.7, Nihon seimei Blg. 2007.10.10,11*,12)
- Keiji Uchikawa, What causes trichromat-like categorical
colour naming in dichromats? Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision Abstract
26, (APCV2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.7.18,19*-21)
- Hirotoshi Nishita and Keiji Uchikawa, Trichromat-like
colour-naming categories are not observed in colour memory of
dichromats. Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision Abstract 45, (APCV2008,
Brisbane, Australia, 2008.7.18*-21)
- Jiro Takeda and Keiji Uchikawa, Effects of objects on
space-based attention. Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision Abstract 64,
(APCV2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.7.18-20*,21)
- Keiji Uchikawa(Invited), Color naming of indistinguishable colors by dichromats. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science, 27-30, (ICCS 2008, Daewoo Hall, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2008.7.27-29*)
- Naruhiko Fukino and Keiji Uchikawa, Higher level chromatic mechanisms revealed by binocular rivalry. Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference of Cognitive Science, 478-480, (ICCS 2008,
Daewoo Hall, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2008.7.27,28*,29)
- Masayuki Sato and Keiji Uchikawa, Effects of spatial
attention on disparity thresholds in detecting dual targets in the
central and peripheral visual field. Journal of Vision,8(17):81, 81a.
(OSA Vision Meeting 2008, University of Rochester, 2008.10.24*,25*,26)
- Keiji Uchikawa and Hirotoshi Nishita, Categorical color
mechanisms of dichromats revealed by color naming and color memory.
20th Symposium of the International Color Vision Society Abstract
Booklet 93, (20th ICVS, University of Minoho, Braga, Portugal,
- Yasumasa Ogata and Keiji Uchikawa, Does a stimulus not
detected induce saccade? OSA Vision meeting 2009 Abstract 68, Journal
of Vision, 9(14), 47a, 2009.-12月 (OSA Vision Meeting 2009, University
of Washington, 2009.9.23-26*,27)
- Masayuki Sato and Keiji Uchikawa, Comparison of effects
of the spatial attention on stereo and motion discrimination
thresholds. VSS 2010 Abstracts, 70, Journal of Vision, 10( ), , 2010,
(Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting, Naples Grande Resort
& Club, Naples, Florida, 2010.5.7,8*-12)
- Yuki Kawashima, Hirohiko Kaneko, Koji Yamamoto, Kenji
Kiya and Keiji Uchikawa, Influence of vection stimuli arranged along a
road on the car driver. VISION, 22(Supplement),53, 2010.(APCV2010,
Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.7.23*-26)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Yusuke Kitazawa, Donald I.A. MacLeod,
Kazuho Fukuda, Degree of color constancy obtained by luminance balance
of color samples. Journal of Vision, 10(15), 8, 2010, OSA Vision
Meeting Abstract, T8, 2010, (OSA Vision Meeting 2010, University of
Rochester, New York, 2010.10.22*-24)
- Yasumasa Ogata and Keiji Uchikawa, Influence of a visual
target presented at detection sub-threshold on saccadic induction.
VISION, 22(Supplement),20, 2010. (APCV2010, Taipei, Taiwan,
2010.7.23*-26) (ベストプレゼンテーション賞)
- Hirotoshi Nishita and Keiji Uchikawa, Characteristics of
color categories of dichromats. VISION, 22(Supplement),37, 2010.
(APCV2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.7.23,24*-26)
- Yuki Kawashima, Hirohiko Kaneko, Koji
Yamamoto, Kenji Kiya and Keiji Uchikawa, Influence of vection stimuli
arranged along a road on the car driver. VISION, 22(Supplement),53,
2010.(APCV2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.7.23*-26)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Yusuke Kitazawa, Donald I.A. MacLeod,
Kazuho Fukuda, Degree of color constancy obtained by luminance balance
of color samples. Journal of Vision, 10(15), 8, 2010, OSA Vision
Meeting Abstract, T8, 2010, (OSA Vision Meeting 2010, University of
Rochester, New York, 2010.10.22*-24)
- Toshifumi Mihashi, Naoki Nakamura, Yasuki Yamauchi, Keiji
Uchikawa, Katsuaki Sakata, Hyperspectral one dimensional visual
stimulus generator. Journal of Vision, 10(15), 68, 2010, OSA Vision
Meeting Abstract, P24, 2010, (OSA Vision Meeting 2010, University of
Rochester, New York, 2010.10.22*,23*,24)
- Kazuho Fukuda, Takahiro Fukase, Keiji Uchikawa, Effects
of binocular disparity on color constancy in real 3Dscenes revealed
with a synopter. VSS 11th Annual Meeting Abstracts, 86, 2011. Journal
of Vision,11(7), 354, 2011. (VSS 2011, Naples Grande Beach Resort,
Florida, 2011.5.6,7*-11)
- Koichiro Shinohara, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Jitter
detection exceeds spatial frequency limit of the visual system. VSS
11th Annual Meeting Abstracts, 110-111, 2011. Journal of Vision,11(7),
1186, 2011. (VSS 2011, Naples Grande Beach Resort, Florida,
- Yuki Kawashima, Keiji Uchikawa, Hirohiko Kaneko, Kazuho
Fukuda, Kouji Yamamoto, Kenji Kiya, Vection stimuli placed on a road
modulate driver’s speed sensation in a real driving scene. VSS 11th
Annual Meeting Abstracts, 257, 2011. Journal of Vision,11(7), 913,2011.
(VSS 2011, Naples Grande Beach Resort, Florida, 2011.5.6-10*,11)
- Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Donald I.A. Macleod,
Influence of surrounding colors in the illuminant-color mode on color
constancy. The 7th APCV Abstracts pdf, 53, 2011. (APCV2011, Hong Kong,
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa,
Chromaticity and glossiness of gold, silver, and bronze colors. The 7th
APCV Abstracts pdf, 53, 2011. (APCV2011, Hong Kong, 2011.7.15-18*)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Yusuke Kitazawa, Donald I.A. MacLeod and
Kazuho Fukuda, Estimate of an illuminant color based on the luminance
balance of surface colors. ICVS2011 Abstract Book, 66, 2011, (ICVS2011,
Kongsberg, Norway, 2011.7.1-4*,5)
- Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Donald I.A. MacLeod, The
luminance balance and color appearance mode of surrounding colors
affect color constancy. OSA Vision Meeting2011 Abstract, 41, 2011,
Journal of Vision, 11(15), 39, 2011. (OSA Vision Meeting 2011,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2011.9.16,17*,18)
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa,
Effects of lightness on chromaticity regions to yield gold, silver and
bronze colors. OSA Vision Meeting2011 Abstract, 45-46, 2011, Journal of
Vision, 11(15), 50, 2011. (OSA Vision Meeting 2011, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, 2011.9.16*-18)
- Toshifumi Mihashi, Naoki Nakamura, Keisuke Yoshida,
Tatsuo Yamaguchi Yasuki Yamauchi, Katsuaki Sakata, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji
Uchikawa, Optical design of hyperspectral two-dimensional display and
its application. OSA Vision Meeting2011 Abstract, 46, 2011, Journal of
Vision, 11(15), 51, 2011. (OSA Vision Meeting 2011, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, 2011.9.16,17*,18)
- Ai Numata, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Influence of
luminance vs. chromaticity distribution of surrounding surfaces on
luminosity threshold of a surface color. OSA Vision Meeting2011
Abstract, 47, 2011, Journal of Vision, 11(15), 54, 2011. (OSA Vision
Meeting 2011, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2011.9.16*-18)
- Kazuki Yoshida, Isamu Motoyoshi, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji
Uchikawa, Visual perception of surfaces with transparent layers. OSA
Vision Meeting2011 Abstract, 52, 2011, Journal of Vision, 11(15), 65,
2011. (OSA Vision Meeting 2011, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
- Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Donald I.A. MacLeod,
Influence of bright surrounding colors appearing in the illuminant-mode
on color constancy. VSS 12th Annual Meeting Abstracts, 219, 2012.
Journal of Vision,12(9), 860, 2012. (VSS 2012, Waldorf Astoria Naples,
Florida, 2012.5.11-14*-16)
- Yutaro Kamata, Noriko Yata, Keiji Uchikawa, Yoshitsugu
Manabe, An effective training of neural networks for categorical color
perception, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association
(AIC 2012), pp. 422--425, (AIC 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.9.22,23*-25)
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa,The
correlation in appearance between gold and metallic gloss. APCV 2012
Program and Abstracts, 36, (APCV 2012, Songdo Convensia, Incheon KOREA,
- Koichiro Shinohara, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikwa, Banding
detection exceeds spatial frequency limit of the visual system by
single frequency grating and jitter. APCV 2012 Program and Abstracts,
43, (APCV 2012, Songdo Convensia, Incheon KOREA, 2012.7.13*-15)
- Toshifumi Mihashi, Keisuke Yoshida, Tatsuo Yamaguchi,
Yasuki Yamaguchi, Katsuaki Sakata, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa,
Hyperspectral two-dimensional visual stimulator. Journal of Vision,
12(14), 42, (OSA Vision Meeting 2012, University of Rochester, New
- Kazuho Fukuda, Ai Numata, Keiji Uchikawa, Perceptual
luminosity threshold on the surround stimulus that simulates
luminance-chromaticity distributions in natural scene. Journal of
Vision,13(9), 1020 , 2013. (VSS 2013, Waldorf Astoria Naples, Florida,
- Yuki Kawashima, Kazuho Fukuda, Hirohiko Kaneko, Yasuki
Yamauchi, Keiji Uchikawa, Additivity of vection speed induced by fast
and slow spatially-overlapped optical flows. Journal of Vision,13(9),
955, 2013. (VSS 2013, Waldorf Astoria Naples, Florida,
- Kei Ishiguro, Kazuho Fukuda and Keiji Uchikawa, Does
color-contingent aftereffect exist for facial expressions? ICVS
Abstract Book, 103, 2013. (ICVS 2013, The University of Winchester,
- Kazuho Fukuda and Keiji Uchikawa, The shape of
luminance-chromaticity distribution influences estimated illuminant
color on color constancy. ICVS Abstract Book, 109, 2013. (ICVS 2013,
The University of Winchester, 2013.7.14,15*-18)
- Keiji Uchikawa and Masayuki Sato, Chromatic and achromatic
detection sensitivities are differently affected by visual attention.
ICVS Abstract Book, 110, 2013. (ICVS 2013, The University of
Winchester, 2013.7.14,15*-18)
- Toshifumi Mihashi, Tomohiro Sakai, Kazuho fukuda and Keiji
Uchikawa, Evaluation of a hyperspectral visual display. ICVS Abstract
Book, 132, 2013. (ICVS 2013, The University of Winchester,
- (Invited) Keiji Uchikawa, Daisuke Endo, Kazuho Fukuda,
Recovery of Sustained Attention by Brief Stimulus Exposure in the
Peripheral Visual Field. IDW2013, (The 20th International Display
Workshops, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, 2013.12.4*-6)
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa,
Correlation of gold appearance with surface metallicity and glossiness.
Journal of Vision, , 2014. (VSS 2014, TradeWinds Island Resorts, St.
Pete Beach, Florida, 2014.5.16-18*-21)
- Cong Zhang, Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Toshifumi
Mihashi, Keiji Uchikawa, Measurements of daylight during a day and at
various locations. Vision, 26(Supplement), 127-128, 2014. PERCEPTION,
5(4), 369, 2014. (APCV 2014, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan,
- K. Kuwamura, M. Sato, K. Uchikawa, Influences of visual
attention on chromatic and achromatic channels: effects of stimulus
size and eccentricity. PERCEPTION, 43(Supplement)Abstracts, 25, 2014.
(ECVP 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014.8.24,25*-28)
- K. Uchikawa, K. Fukuda, Luminance distribution influence of
surrounding colors on estimating illuminant color in a scene.
PERCEPTION, 43(Supplement)Abstracts, 89-90, 2014. (EPCV 2014, Belgrade,
Serbia, 2014.8.24-26*-28)
- H. Han, K. Uchikawa, Facial representation form of animation
affects skin color judgment. PERCEPTION, 43(Supplement)Abstracts, 130,
2014. (ECVP 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014.8.24-27*,28)
- Masayuki Sato, Keiko Kuwamura, Keiji Uchikawa, Influence of
visual attention on chromatic and achromatic discrimination
sensitivities. OSA Vision Meeting , 59, 2014. (OSA Vision Meeting 2014,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 2014.10.10*-12)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Kazuho Fukuda, Takahiro, Kusuyama, Effects of
non-natural luminance distribution of surface colors on eatimating an
illuminant color in a scene. OSA Vision Meeting , 60-61, 2014. (OSA
Vision Meeting 2014, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA,
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Appearance
of’ ‘gold’ affects glossiness and metallicity of a surface. Journal of
Vision, 15(12), 819, 2015. (VSS 2015, TradeWinds Island Resorts, St.
Pete Beach, Florida, 2015.5.15-18*-20)
- Keiko Kuwamura, Masayuki Sato, Keiji Uchikawa, Visual
attention does not independently influence on chromatic and achromatic
contrast-discrimination processes. Journal of Vision,15(12) , 881,
2015. (VSS 2015, TradeWinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, Florida,
- Hyejin Han, Keiji Uchikawa, Effects of animation face on skin
color perception. Journal of Vision,15(12) , 1212, 2015. (VSS 2015,
TradeWinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 2015.5.15-19*,20)
- Keiji Uchikawa , Yumiko Muto, Kazuho Fukuda, Characteristics
of Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic test plates in LMS cone space. ICVS
2015 Abstract Book, 31, 2015. (ICVS 2015, Tohoku University, Sendai,
Japan, 2015.7.3-5*-7)
- Ichiro Kuriki, Yumiko Muto, Kazuho Fukuda, Rumi Tokunaga,
Delwin T Lindsey, Angela M Brown, Keiji Uchikawa, Satoshi Shioiri,
Categorical color clusters of Japanease color lexicon. ICVS 2015
Abstract Book, 40, 2015. (ICVS 2015, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,
- Makito Sato, Keiji Uchikawa, Possible influence of L/M cone
ratio on chromatic detection thresholds using L and M cone noise
masking. ICVS 2015 Abstract Book, 65, 2015. (ICVS 2015, Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan, 2015.7.3,4*-7)
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Standard
deviation of luminance distribution of an image signify relates to gold
appearance. ICVS 2015 Abstract Book, 83, 2015. (ICVS 2015, Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan, 2015.7.3,4*-7)
- Hiromi Yura, Keiji Uchikawa, Color contingent after effects
with spatial attention shifts. ICVS 2015 Abstract Book, 87, 2015. (ICVS
2015, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2015.7.3,4*-7)
- Takahiro Kusuyama, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Illuminant
estimation using the optimal-color hypothesis on color constancy. ICVS
2015 Abstract Book, 91, 2015. (ICVS 2015, Tohoku University, Sendai,
Japan, 2015.7.3,4*-7)
- Takuma Morimoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Influence of
the number of surrounding colors on luminance-balance based estimation
of illuminant. ICVS 2015 Abstract Book, 65, 2015. (ICVS 2015, Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan, 2015.7.3-6*,7)
- Takuma Morimoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa,
Luminance-balance based estimation of an illuminant in chromatically
biased scenes. OSA Fall Vision Meeting Program Book, 31, 2015. (FVM
2015, Fairmont Hotel , San Jose , CA, USA, 2015.10.16,17*,18)
- Makoto Saika, Keisuke Yoshida, Takuji Satoh, Mitsuharu
Tamada, Keiji Uchikawa, Development and application of hyperspectral
two-dimension display. The 22nd International display workshop, (IDW’15
2015.12.9-11, Otsu Japan)
- Takuma Morimoto, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa, Luminance-balance
Based Estimation of an Illuminant in Chromatically Biased Scenes. OSA
Vision Meeting , 16(30), 2016. (OSA Vision Meeting 2015, Fairmont
Hotel, San Jose CA, USA, 2015.10.16-17*-18)
- Keiji Uchikawa, Takuma Morimoto, Tomohisa Matsumoto, Prediction
for individual differences in appearance of the dress by the optimal
color hypothesis. Journal of Vision, 16(12), 745, 2016. (VSS 2016,
TradeWinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 2016.5.13-13*-18)
- Takuma Morimoto, Takahiro Kusuyama, Kazuho Fukuda, Tomohisa
Matsumoto, Keiji Uchikawa, Estimating illuminant by optimal color
hypothesis model for scenes with various chromaticity-luminance
distributions, (VSS 2016, TradeWinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach,
Florida, 2016.5.13-14*-18)
- Tomohisa Matsumoto, Takuma Morimoto, Keiji Uchikawa, Estimation
of illuminant in the white/gold and blue/black “dress” image (VSS 2016,
TradeWinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 2016.5.13-14*-18)
- Ichiro Kuriki, Yumiko Muto, Kazuho Fukuda, Rumi Tokunaga, Angela
Brown, Delwin Lindsey, Keiji Uchikawa, Satoshi Shioiri, Study of the
Japanese color lexicon using cluster analysis, (VSS 2016, TradeWinds
Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 2016.5.13-15*-18)